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The Alpha Alignment Technique™ (previously referred to as the Beta Release Technique) is a series of physical movements that are designed to take the body out of inappropriate states of stress, discomfort, or dis-ease within seconds.


It does this by balancing the left and right hemispheres of the brain into an ‘alpha-wave’ healing state and re-aligns the body’s nervous system back into a state of balance (homeostasis).


This allows for a more natural energy flow to resume throughout your body so it can then improve physical, mental, emotional, energetic, structural, muscular, vascular and chemical levels throughout your entire body. It is a process whereby the blockages and/or the restrictions are removed or lessened.


Being aligned, you let your awareness work for you in a very real, balanced and natural way that can stop you from over-reacting to the subtle, negative stresses of life and retreating into a brain-locked detached world.


The Alpha Alignment Technique™ offers a means of resolving your life and achieving your potential. It is not a duplication of anything found in psychology, meditation, yoga, therapeutics, chiropractic, massage or medicine. What an alignment does is unique and different. It is something to be experienced, it is powerful – and it works!


Benefits Include:


  • Reducing and Improving Stress & Related Symptoms

  • Reducing Muscular Tension – weak areas regain strengthen and tight areas begin to relax

  • Clearing toxins from your body for increased health & wellbeing, dis-ease prevention & longevity

  • Increasing Energy, Mental Focus & Clarity

  • Postural Re-Alignment & Improvement – whereby structural misalignment & imbalance in the body begin to correct

  • Releasing repressed negative emotions which may rise to the surface for resolution and clearing

  • Vascular Pressure Changes – for the better, as excessive tension levels drop

  • More Restful Sleep Patterns

  • Improvement in Relationships

  • A feeling of awareness, connection, feeling more centered & calm

  • Increasing your performance levels in all areas of life by un-locking your potential!


"The body possesses the ability to heal itself when it is free of stress"


The Primary Focus:


The primary focus of the Alpha Alignment Technique™ is cause correction.


In just a matter of seconds this non-invasive, hands-on process sends sensory input to the brain that a defensive stress ('fight or flight') response is no longer necessary. When this happens the body receives a massive supply of previously misdirected energy, and balance is restored.


The result: Stress levels drop, muscular tension drops, weak muscles strengthen, and energy increases to all parts of the body, and ‘alpha-wave’ healing begins.


An individual's longevity and quality of life depends on how well they cope with the effects of stress in their life. The Alpha Alignment Technique™ slows the negative effects of stress on the body. The results are immediately noticeable and a normal and balanced state is restored making life better overall.


After Your Session:


When the Alpha Alignment Technique™ is incorporated into your life as regularly as necessary, your body will have a decreasing need to communicate any type of pain or discomfort.


At first, it may take more frequent alignments to get your body to ‘hold’ its balance, but over time your body learns to remain in this place of homeostasis for longer and longer periods. The goal being; to keep your body in a state of balance so the cause of pain is no longer necessary.


Those who continue with alignments to remain in balance, even after any pain has left, experience deeper life changing benefits. Clarity, increased energy, focus, creativity, congruence, strength, patience, and a greater quality of life, are some of the big picture benefits.  Alignments can be done on most people, including tiny babies and pregnant women as well as the elderly. Benefits are felt both instantaneously and/or over the next 24-96 hours.


To book your consultation, please phone 0414 508 258, or book online here...



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