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(Note: These are offered as clinic based + off-site/home services, upon request & subject to availability)



Both Craniosacral Therapy and Myofascial Release Technique modalities are interconnected and complement eachother greatly. Sessions typically last for 45-90 minutes.


Craniosacral Therapy


During a Craniosacral Therapy session the client lays fully clothed on a massage table while light touch is used, typically at the head, feet, and/or sacrum. The treatment session may also include work with other areas of the body such as the joints, abdomen, diaphragm or face. The client usually experiences a deep relaxation during and after the session, and they will often have improved sleep and energy levels after being treated.


Craniosacral Therapy works with your body in many ways, however one of the key functions of the therapy is that it helps to release restrictions in the membranes around the brain and spinal cord, increasing the flow of cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) between your head (cranium) to the end of your spine (sacrum) and allowing the central nervous system (CNS) to function optimally.  Craniosacral Therapy does not involve any spinal manipulations or adjustments, in contrast, it focuses on the use of light-touch techniques to align the structural integrity of the body that is the root cause of many structural and spinal imbalances.


By optimizing conditions for the brain and spine, Craniosacral Therapy has flow on effects for the whole body. CSF within the craniosacral system provides many functions; for example, it acts as a shock absorber for the brain, it delivers nutrients to the nerves, brain and spinal cord, and it flushes out toxins. An increase in flow of CSF can therefore provide numerous benefits to a persons physical and mental wellbeing.


The treatment produces a range of results - muscle tension eases, spine and joint alignment improves, the nervous system, immune system and endocrine (hormone) systems self-regulate, and settle down if they have been overactive, or awaken if they have been dormant. Digestion and elimination functions are also improved by encouraging increased movement and blood flow to the abdominal organs.


Craniosacral Therapy is particularly well suited for resolving physical and emotional trauma that is stored in the body, as the therapy creates a safe place for recovery to occur - sometimes during the session or at another time - setting in motion a journey of recovery that can occur over a course of sessions and between sessions.


Myofascial Release Technique


The Myofascial Release Technique is a whole body, hands on process used to achieve optimal body alignment on a more permanent basis through the gentle stretching, lengthening, and softening of the interconnected fascial structures of the body. By working with the fascia in this manner and by listening to and respecting the clients’ bodies innate intelligence and responding appropriately adhesions and constrictions in the fascia can be reduced and removed enabling optimal functioning to resume once again.


Since the tough connective fascia forms a mechanical continuum throughout the entire body – woven together with muscles, bones, blood vessels, nerves, organs and every cell of the body – a restriction in one area not only can have an effect on the localised area but also on a seemingly unrelated area; as the body tries to compensate for these restrictions through muscular spasm, additional fascial restrictions and diminished functioning. Overall, these can potentially result in discrepancies of muscle length and function, poor posture and movement, chronic pain, reoccurring injuries and suboptimal performance.



Who can be treated?


Craniosacral Therapy and Myofascial Release Technique is suitable for all age groups, from young babies to growing children to adults. It is worth noting that generally the treatment of children leads to more rapid results than that in adults. This is easily explained by the fact that adults have accumulated more traumatic events during their lives than children have.


Here is a list of some of the specific conditions that can be assisted by Craniosacral Therapy and the Myofascial Release Technique:


  • Stress and tension related problems (physical & mental)

  • Chronic back, neck and shoulder pain

  • Migraines and headaches

  • Sinus related issues

  • Digestive disorders and colic

  • Chronic fatigue

  • Central nervous system disorders

  • Emotional difficulties

  • Post-traumatic stress (accidents, whiplash, panic attacks, birth traumas)

  • Learning challenges

  • Temperomanidibular joint (TMJ) dysfunction



What will you feel?


As you lie fully clothed on a massage table you may feel release sensations. This can be in the form of tingling, heat or sometimes even a slight temporary discomfort in a certain area/region of your body. Experiences after a session may include: feeling very relaxed; more energetic and invigorated; more in tune with your mind and body; a reduction in physical pain and tension; or improved mood and general well-being. It is also possible to experience that your body is going through a time of reorganisation, as your affected organs regenerate, and this may on occasion include some slight discomfort. Generally you will notice a change in your condition over a period of time, as it takes time for your body to heal itself.


A reminder text or email will be sent at least 24 hours prior to your appointment to confirm your scheduled time and as this appointment time has been specifically allocated for you, a 'Cancellation Policy' of 24 hours notice is required otherwise a late cancellation fee of 50% will apply.


Call 0414 508 258 to book your appointment.


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